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Independent Study

As a public charter school, SunRidge School must adhere to the state mandates required by all public schools. This includes tracking and supporting student attendance. The law requires that schools track students’ attendance for two main reasons, funding and attendance accountability. 

A student that is at school is considered present and counted for funding, this funding revenue is called: ADA or Average Daily Attendance.  If the student  is absent, the school does not receive funding for that student for that day. This works out to be approximately $65 per student per day. Simply put: no school - no funding.  The only exception is Independent Study.  

Short-Term Independent Study is an optional, educational alternative that families voluntarily select for a minimum of 3 school days and a maximum of 14 school days.  When a pre-arranged Independent Study is completed, the school receives funding and the days are not counted as absent.  Independent Study requests begin with the school manager, with 10 school days advance notice needed in order to prepare the contract.


To request an Independent Study, please fill out the form below.  Thank you!



Please submit request 10 school days prior to the first day of requested Independent Study.

Student Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Parent Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format