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District Adopted Equity Policy

SunRidge Diversity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism Statement

The administration, Charter Council, and faculty at SunRidge Charter School acknowledge that biases exist in each of us, and collectively define aspects of our society and culture.  Biases based on race, gender, sexuality, physical or cognitive ability, income, language, family structure, or religious  beliefs, have defined our environment as one where privilege and oppression have been maintained.  To ensure that SunRidge is a welcoming community to everyone and in keeping with the school's vision and mission statement, we strive to identify our biases and privileges and use them to counter oppression by:

  • Supporting one another with compassion and love when we make mistakes during this process of developing into the beloved community that we strive to be.
  • Participating in ongoing professional development (individual and school-wide plan).
  • Continually evaluating and improving curricula to ensure it is actively countering the hierarchical narrative and existing power structure and not just settling for "tolerance".
  • Engaging in truth telling

Waldorf education was founded in 1919 upon the insights of Rudolf Steiner, whose indications provide the foundations of a humanized education that recognizes the individuality of each person and the universal spirit living within every human being.  We affirm this educational and social truth.  Any statements attributed to Rudolf Steiner that imply or suggest discrimination or judgement toward any race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality, or socio-economic group, are rejected.  Such attitudes are contrary to and undermine the goals of this education.  (Credit: WECAN)

Saying we will endeavor to uncover, understand the damage done and work towards, inclusion, compassion, empathy and unity for our global community through the curriculum that teachers strive to present, and the administration supports, and the policies that SunRidge community adopts.



To view the District Adopted Equity Policy please click below:

District Adopted Equity Policy